Sunday, March 31, 2013

Unnecessary Stress

Unnecessary Stress
Our first soccer game of the season is tomorrow. We have six freshman on the team, who haven’t played for Kennedy High School, meaning they don’t have the important parts of our jerseys such as shorts and socks. This is just one example of how annoying it is when things are late.
                I understand when small things are late and there isn’t an important deadline. But something like this causes stress on the whole team. All of the returning players now have to scavenge through our soccer drawers to find spare shorts. This leaves us all flustered trying to help out the younger players.
                I don’t know the whole story on why we don’t have our gear before our first game. It could be that the order was put in too late. But it also could be that the printing company made a mistake. I understand that people make mistakes but we should have had a backup plan incase this did happen instead of rushing to find shorts and socks for our freshman the day before the game. I feel like this just adds to the first game stress that we already have. But could also be an advantage for our freshman to get used to the nerves and stress playing on a Varsity High School soccer team causes. It may be a good warm up of what is to come.
                Throughout the season we come across stress at many times. At the beginning of the season at our first game because you want to kick of the season with a good start, at in town games because you don’t want your rival team to have bragging rights, then at the end of the season when state rolls around because you want that state championship, overall high school sports create stress.
(303 words)

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