Sunday, February 24, 2013

Silver Les Lincoln

Silver Les Lincoln
This weekend is the Oscars and I have gotten the opportunity to see some of the pictures that are up for best picture. I have seen Silver Linings Playbook, Les Mis, and Lincoln. All of these movies were so fantastic; I just don’t understand how people can choose which one was the best.
Although these movies were all very good, they were all completely different. In Silver Linings Playbook, after you watched it you felt emotionally drained. During the movie, I had gotten extremely to the characters and felt like I was in the movie alongside them dealing with their problems. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper were able to portray characters with very intense mental problems, which to me I see as impossible.  Even though it was probably a challenge for them, you believed the performance and felt like you were watching a home video it felt so real.
Les Mis was completely different from Silver Linings Playbook, but still had the same affect by leaving me emotionally drained. I think because it was a musical there was so much going on, your eyes couldn’t leave the screen. In Les Mis Anne Hathaway had a fantastic performance, not only did she act wonderfully but she was able to sing decently as well. It was very impressive to see actors being able to sing without lip syncing. Overall, there were many overwhelming performances making it a breathtaking movie.
Again Lincoln was still very different from Silver Linings Playbook and Les Mis. Although it did not affect me as much as the other movies did, it was still a great movie with exciting performance. Daniel Day Lewis was able to portray President Lincoln with ease. While watching, you felt like you were actually watching Lincoln going through the struggles of his last couple months. I was intrigued by this movie, because Lincoln is an interesting topic for me. But, if you weren’t interested in Lincoln and didn’t know some of the history it probably wouldn’t have tripped your trigger.
Movies this year have been extremely impressive and I don’t know how people can choose which one wins best picture. If I had to choose I would have to pick Silver Linings Playbook out of the movies I got the opportunity to see. There are many things that put Silver Linings Playbook one step of the other movies I got to see. One reason is it’s so relatable, there are people who get divorced, there are people who lose their spouse, and there are people who have issues. This movie just shows that nobody is perfect, but we still cope with life. Even if your world is going wrong, you can still find a silver lining.
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

That's Nasty

That’s Nasty
The Super Bowl… What does that mean? Junky food. This year we have come to all time nasty unhealthy food. Normally we stick with nachos which taste amazing but are still not to healthy for you. But this year I don’t even know what to think. My dad has decided to take little weenies, rap them in bacon and sock them in brown sugar. Sounds nasty right?
He had gotten the idea from a lady at work. My question is what was that lady thinking? Does she want to have a heart attack? I can only imagine how unhealthy this is for a person. I suppose it instantly blocks your arteries and gives you a heart attack the second you take a bite. I’m actually frightened to try one. I don’t think I have ever been scared to eat something.
How does one think of such a snack? I would never picture putting bacon and little weenies together or let alone putting brown sugar on either bacon or little weenies. I can’t image the taste. My dad said it tastes like caramel. How in the world do bacon and little weenies turn into caramel… THAT’S NASTY!
 At the moment I am mentally preparing myself to try these little critters. I just don’t know if I can handle.  Wish me luck, I hope I see you all tomorrow at school and I don’t have a heart attack.
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The Struggle

The Struggle
Homework, what’s the point? Homework is just an opportunity for kids to copy each other’s work sheets and get out of things. You walk into school at about 7:30 and you just see a bunch of kids running around trying to find someone in their class who has finished the worksheet that due that morning.
I think it would be more beneficial for us to go to school a bit longer, and not have any homework. Or instead of homework things like projects, which actually require us to do our own work would teach us more than having a worksheet due.
If we went to school a bit longer, I think it would fix many things in high schools everywhere. For one I think it would create fewer absences. Kids like to avoid school because they didn’t finish their homework for a certain class. By not giving out homework, there would be no absences because of homework completion.
Another thing that could be fixed would be how much we actually learn. There have been so many times I come home and have no idea how to do my homework. With the help of peers and teacher at school I wouldn’t have that problem. By having resources with me at school, I am able to finish my work, and feel confident I am doing it correctly.
People don’t like school because it’s hard. It’s even harder when you don’t have the motivation for it. There are so many distractions when you come home to do your homework. While at school, you can’t be distracted by facebook, twitter, instagram, the TV, or the computer. School is just a better environment for work rather than at home.
Some say homework is necessary to survive in the real world. But honestly, I don’t know many people who have to come home after work and have to do a worksheet. I guess it matters your occupation but I don’t know of any jobs that require homework. So I guess my question is what’s the point? Do teachers enjoy seeing kids struggle and get confused? I just don’t get it.  
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It is a question to me how why so many people watch the super bowl. Yes, I understand it is entertaining. But, on the other hand so many people say they are very committed to “their” NFL team why do they bother watching somebody else’s team.
There are only 2 teams who make it to the super bowl out of 32. Chances are it’s not your team. How can you say you are loyal to a certain team, while supporting a different team? How do you think your team feels when you say “well my team didn’t make it so might as well cheer for so in so.”
 Some say they watch because of the commercials, there are commercials on TV every day. I don’t understand why advertisers wait till the super bowl to pull out the good commercials. In all advertisers are probably helping the super bowl more than vice versa. In my opinion people pay more attention to the commercials than the game.
It may be because I am a girl, and football is not the most interesting to me. But, really is it that big of a deal? I have been watching the super bowl every sense I can remember, but I still don’t understand why. All the buildup probably just makes the players more nervous than they are naturally playing in a championship game. I know from experience any type of championship game is nerve racking but I cannot imagine the emotion happening in these players heads right now while warming up for a game that so many people are going to watch, it’s crazy. But, these are professional athletes, they have felt this kind of pressure before, that’s why they get paid the big bucks.
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Sasha Fierce

Sasha Fierce
The anticipation is building. There is only about 3 hours till my idol performs. That’s right, Beyonce is performing at the Super Bowl half time. I cannot wait to see her perform, I have been preparing all week. Although Beyonce has gotten a lot of criticism this past two weeks after lip syncing at the presidents inauguration, after redeeming herself at the Super Bowl press conference by singing a cappella B is back and I can only imagine how well she is going to perform.
You may be asking how one prepares for a performance like this and I will tell you how.
1.       Watch Beyonce videos every day, at least 5 a day.
2.       Sing Beyonce songs in the shower, there is nothing wrong with not sounding as good as her… it’s impossible to sound like her anyways.
3.       Learn the single ladies dance.
4.       Create your own hot Beyonce outfit.
5.       Practice dancing in heals.
These are just some ways you can prepare for what is going to be a jaw dropping performance. Feel free to go above and beyond these expectations. You know B will be proud of any type of fan commitment as long as you stay Sasha Fierce.
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