Sunday, September 23, 2012

Down and Dirty

Down and Dirty
Its finally homecoming week, personally my favorite time of the year. We all know why it’s my favorite, and if you haven’t guessed it already… POWDER-PUFF!
                Yes the themed days are great, and you have to love the homecoming assembly. But, nothing compares to powder-puff, not even the actual homecoming dance. There is just something about it; it’s a thrill to me. I don’t know if it’s the fact that we have an insane amount of talented female athletes at our school. Or just that I’m an extremely competitive person along with my fellow powder-puffers.
                For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, powder-puff according to urban dictionary it  “An annual event in which high school girls who don't mind getting down and dirty, separate each other by classes for a fierce game of football. The teams are coached by the guys who actually play football. What is supposed to be an innocent flag football game always ends up as rough tackle football.  Ankles will be sprained, wrists will be broken, hips will be dislocated and muscles will be pulled. There are penalties against unnecessary roughness, but do you think that will stop them? I don't think so either. The girls who usually participate in this event come from many social groups but they all have one thing in common... they're bad asses.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, it’s a serious sport so don’t take it lightly.
                As the definition says, it does get rough, so girls you better bring you’re A game. Even if you don’t think you are that good, it doesn’t matter it’s a blast. Hey, you get to hit the girls in other classes who you don’t like, what can get better than that, well besides considering yourself a “bad ass.”
Powder-puff is more than playing well, or hitting girls. It really does bring a class/school together. I’d like to someday make it a club at my school so we could play other schools and play more often. I have a hunch that it would be a good idea. I mean what else would you need, there is nothing more to life than football and girl fights?
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Lack of Leadership

Lack of Leadership
Don’t you think it’s the senior’s job to lead the student section at football games? I’d like to inform you all that I counted a total of six seniors by the beginning of the fourth quarter at our last game. I give major props to the six that stayed, and they should be applauded. But to me six seniors is just simply unacceptable.
As I ask some of the seniors why they are leaving they simply reply with a “We are already loosing so bad, why would we stay?” Want to know what I have to say to those inconsiderate seniors or fans in general; they are probably loosing because they don’t have the support from the school. As an athlete, I know that it is really important to have your fans back you up no matter the circumstances. So for the people out there who leave the games early, think about how you are letting the team who is playing down. How would you like it if someone walked out on you?
Our seniors this year really don’t have the best leadership. For the majority of games it is us, the juniors, who are leading cheers and getting everyone organized. The seniors are just there to look cool in the front row. But news flash you look stupid just sitting there not cheering on your team or repeating the same old cheers every two second. I mean why come to the game if you’re not going to cheer, I don’t get it. Although these seniors may think they are doing a fantastic job, I beg to differ. They need to take the time to check themselves; they aren’t as awesome as they think they are. Stop turning around to yell at us to cheer. First off nobody will do something if they are being yelled at to do it. And second, we are already leading the student section for you… you’re welcome.
Our student section has extreme potential to help our team while they are in this 0 and 5 slum. But these seniors really need to step up their game.  We need the football team to regain confidence, and what’s a better confidence builder than most of the student body on your side. You tell me would you rather have people leaving your games or have them stay to the end through anything with an insane amount of spirit possible?
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Gotta Go!

I Gotta Go!

Sitting in class bored out of our minds when suddenly, you have that overwhelming sensation that you have to pee. You get up quietly to ask the teacher if you can use the restroom. They always reply, “Is it an emergency?” All I can think in my head is; Yes it’s an emergency, if it wasn’t I wouldn’t ask to leave!
This situation can get you into some big trouble in many occasions for example:
1. If people always ask to go
2. If you have to go in that class every day
3. If the class is particularly boring that day
These teachers tend to not understand that 1. It’s not your fault other people have to go at the same time as you. 2. Your body is put on a schedule, and it likes to stay that way. And 3. I don’t care how boring the class is, I just really have to go pee. I think kids are really misunderstood. If I had to bet, I bet teachers just think we are doing hood rat activities in the hallways instead of going to the bathroom which in some cases is true. But if they did think we had other intentions other than using the facilities, why don’t they do something about it. And when I say do something about it, I do not mean take away the privilege of going to the bathroom. Instead, they could follow the student if they care so much. This tactic could get a little bit creepy, but hey, they would get what they wanted to know wouldn’t they?
Another thing I don’t understand is why some teachers make you leave your cell phone before using the restroom. To me this is just helping the ticking time bomb of my bladder speed up. It’s not like I’m going to sit on the toilet and text my friends while peeing, that’s disgusting. Plus wouldn’t the teachers rather their students use their phone in the hallways/bathroom instead of disrupting their class and ignoring their teaching? These things just don’t make sense to me.
For all of you teachers out there; just know that when a student is asking to use the restroom, in most cases, it really is an emergency there’s no need to ask. And for the students reading along, don’t take the bathroom experience to your advantage, you never know when you’re really going to need it. Oh, and look out for the crazy teacher who follow you through the hall to the bathroom, its borderline creepy.
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Toddlers in Tiaras

Toddlers in Tiaras
Dressing up your child, in order for them to be judged on their appearance at a pageant, to me it just sounds wrong. This is what happens on the show Toddlers in tiaras. These mothers dress up their 2 to 7 year olds in 300 dollar dresses, fake nails, fake tans, and to me the worst to me it the fake teeth.
I don’t understand what the fetish is with looking like a legitimate Barbie at the age of 3. These kids are just getting in their mind that their natural beauty isn’t good enough. Although I totally disagree with this show, I am still addicted. There is something about it that gets you hooked. Maybe it’s just the fact that it’s so ridiculous you can’t just keep your eyes off of the TV.
I really don’t understand why the moms do this to their kids. Do they not think they look good enough the way they are normally? Why would you want your daughter to look so plastic? It’s just hard for me to comprehend, especially when you see the before and after pictures. Their before pictures they are adorable litter kids, But after they look like and adult in a little body. This is why my favorite toddler on the show is Honey Boo Boo. Her parents don’t apply the extreme plastic qualities like the other pageant parents.  They also don’t put as much pressure on Honey to win. She is in the pageants because she wants to be. For a lot of the other little girls, I feel like they are being forced into this plastic life.
Overall I do suggest watching the show “Toddlers in Tiaras.” Not because it’s a good show, but because you can really learn from it. You could learn what not to do for your kids. In my opinion you should not live your dreams through your kids, let them make their own decision and most importantly embrace your child’s inner beauty. 
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The Almost Empty Nesters

The Almost Empty Nesters
So far it’s been one month being an only child, and so far it’s not as bad as I thought. I thought I would have to do all the chores, entertain my parents, and worst of all be extremely bored. Turns out none of those things have happened.
About a month ago, both my brother and sister left for college. I thought it would be the end of me considering we are all very close. My sister is 7 hours away and my brother is about 2 so we haven’t had the opportunity to be reunited yet this school year. I imagined it would be awful at home without them, so I was very apprehensive about them leaving. For one I knew I was going to miss them. And second, I did not want to get suffocated by my parents.
This first month hasn’t been too bad, yes I have been spending more time with my parents than normal, but I’m not getting suffocated. Since both of my sibling are gone, we have had the opportunity to actually go out and see my sister which wasn’t possible the past years with both me and my brothers soccer schedules. So there are negatives to my siblings leaving but there are also many positives. It’s depressing I don’t get to see them on a daily bases, but on the plus side I’m getting closer with my parents and I do get to see my siblings every once and awhile.
Although I wish I still lived with my siblings, I think it was a good change for me. It has made me more responsible around the house, and it has made me realize how much I care about my brother and sister. There are perks to being an only child, but I wouldn’t change anything about my family.
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Breaking Amish

Breaking Amish

Last night, while I was flipping through channels I had to make a sudden stop on TLC. There was a show featuring Amish young adults wanting to move out of their community and into New York City called “Breaking Amish.” This came along with extreme conciseness. If they decided to break the Amish rules, they would be forever shunned by the community.

Think of the last time you had broken your house rules. Let’s say you were late for curfew. After being late you wouldn’t be allowed to eat with your family or any other people in your community. You wouldn’t be able to socialize. You wouldn’t even be able to attend your recently late grandfather’s funeral. They would even tell you that you were going to hell, all because you were late for your curfew. We might take these for granted now, but really imagine what it would be like not being able to communicate with anyone in your community. It would be miserable. In the Amish community (at least from what I learned on this TV show) they aren’t even okay with these people being filmed, let alone knowing they are moving to NYC. These young adults face one of the hardest decisions of their life choosing to stay locked up in the Amish community, or being who they want to be in NYC.

In the Amish communities shown, there was extreme supervision on everyone. They always had to worry about the Bishop and his family because they are the people who would declare you to be shunned. As I was watching there was a scare while filming, the bishop’s wife witnessed one of the young adults being interviewed and that’s a big no no for this community. The young man being interviewed seemed like he had peed his pants as the Bishop’s wife walked by. Now think of if you were the Bishops daughter and wanted to leave the community. One of the young ladies on the show is the daughter of the Bishop in her community. I have a feeling she will be getting into the most trouble as the show goes on, due to the security and pressure that has been put on her all of her life being the Bishop’s daughter.

Although they did not show what happens after they move to NYC in this pilot episode of “Breaking Amish” they did show a sneak peak to the next episode. It showed a significant change in wardrobe, personality, and life style. I think I would change drastically as well if I had been locked up for 20 years of my life. It would be tough for me to picture myself in an Amish community, especially knowing what’s out there. But it’s even harder for these young adults because they have no idea what’s to come when they go to the big city. These people only have about a fourth graders education, they don’t drive cars, and they use little to no electricity. It will be very interesting to me what will happen when they arrive in the city that never sleeps.

I would highly recommend watching this show. If gives you a whole other perspective on life. It made me feel blessed that I wasn’t born into, or adopted into a different family. I also think it gives a completely different meaning to the saying “strict parents make sneaky kid.” These kids have been under so much supervision their whole lives, and now they finally get the opportunity to experience a whole new life style. Let’s hope they don’t take it for granted and get themselves into trouble, but hey its reality TV, anything can happen.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Money Means Nothing

Money means nothing
“I spent 300 dollars on my homecoming dress.” When I hear this my first reaction is WHAT!? Who has the kind of money to spend that much on a dress you will wear once? No scratch that, who has the desire to spend that much on a dress you will wear once? These days, the price of your dress means more than what it looks like. Some people are so insecure about themselves that they feel like they need to overcompensate with how much they spend on clothes.
Yes homecoming is a big deal but personally, I try to find the lowest price when it comes to dresses or regular street clothes. One of the greatest feelings is walking out of goodwill with good buys and spending a fourth of what you would spend at regular stores. I don’t think people understand that you can find cute clothes for a good price. Even if goodwill or thrifting isn’t your thing, you can still find reasonable that look better than name brand clothes anyways.
One of my pet peeves are miss me jeans If you look at them you would understand why I dislike them so much. Why would you want a disco ball on your back side, along with spending 100 dollars plus on a pair of jeans? Instead of have a disco ball butt and being broke after buying one pair of jeans, try target or forever21 . At these cheap stores you can find jeans that are actually fashionable.
Another no no in my book are uggs,default,sc.html. First off there is a reason they are called uggs, because they are ugly. And second, they are completely overpriced. Again, you can honestly go to a store like target and get a pair of cute boots for 20 dollars rather than going to get uggs that are over 8 times more expensive and, in my opinion, 100 times less attractive.
In order to become a successful shopper you need to:
1.      Buy cute clothes, not expensive clothes. The price of your clothes does NOT reflect how “fashionable” they are.
2.      Consider your dollar per wear. Before buying the item, consider if the price is worth it. For example let’s say a shirt is 20 dollars, will you wear that shirt at least 20 times in the next year? If so purchase it, it’s a great dollar per wear.
3.   Get outside your comfort zone. Try thrifting. It’s fun, cheap, and cute.
4.  Wear what you want to wear; don’t just wear something because it’s the “cool” thing to do.
5.     Express yourself, be you.

I don’t mean to offend anyone by my pet peeves or my shopping tips. I just don’t think it’s very necessary to spend an insane amount of money on clothes. Girls especially, are too self-conscious about what they wear. Calm down ladies, you can look good, without going into debt. Just broaden your horizon and go outside of your box. You could be surprised on what you can find if you just let go of how much you are spending on your clothes. In an economy like ours, be smart and follow my tips. Youll look good and feel good about how much you’re spending.
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Everything happens for a reason

Everything happens for a reason
Do you ever feel like you wouldn’t be the same person if something hadn’t happened to you? I feel like certain things happen for a reason, either to teach you a lesson or to help you mature. I feel like if I had grown up in a super wealthy home I wouldn’t be the same person I am today. Things like that really transform a person.
The other day I was discussing this topic with my best friend, and she completely agrees with me. After her family had a house fire about 6 years ago, she had to quickly morph into a responsible young adult. They had lost a lot, but no fire could destroy how close knit that family is. The fire had just brought them closer. That’s why I wonder if that fire happened for a reason. Maybe her family was meant to get closer or maybe she was supposed to mature quickly and early.
What if the house fire never happened? Would she be the same person?  Would I still have become best friends with her? Or would we have lived completely different lives? This is why I think things happen for a reason. I can’t imagine what life would be like without her being who she is.
Although the things that happen to us may be devastating, I think it’s important to remember some positive is going to come out of it. By growing up in a home wear money is tight, I have become liable and more down to earth. By experiencing a house fire, my friend had matured into a grateful, responsible, young lady.
So weather it’s something little like a rainy day, or something traumatic like a death in the family it all happens for a reason. Like they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Life isn’t going to always be cotton candy and rainbows, so turn those tough times into positives and let them help you grow into the person you’re meant to be in life. It all happens for a reason, so let it happen.
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Smells, Feelings, and Events

Smells, Feelings, and Events.
Autumn: the best season of the year. The comfort of jeans, a cozy sweat shirt, the smell of a bonfire, football games, and of course the leaves changing it just doesn’t get sweeter than that. Not too hot, and cold enough to cuddle up with our freezing, to me it’s the best time of the year.
The most comfortable outfit you could possibly wear is jeans and a sweat shirt. You don’t have to worry about tan lines, chubby legs or arms, or anything you can just relax and be comfortable along with looking cute.
What’s the perfect occasion to wear this cozy cute outfit? Well of course a bonfire or maybe a football game. At a bonfire you can snuggle up and just hang out with the people who are special to you. Not to mention the wonderful smell of the fire, it’s just fantastic. If a bonfire isn’t your thing, try a football game. Getting loud and proud for your school, you just get so much pride no matter how good or bad your team is. Although you might get angry at the underclassman for not having that same pride in the school, they will learn to grow to love the school just as much as you do just give them time.
Jeans, a sweat shirt, bonfires, and football games are all fantastic things about autumn. But the number one best thing about autumn is the changing of the leaves. In a matter of weeks they turn from a bright green, to a deep red or orange leaving the streets as beautiful as can be. Then as they fall to the ground, sweeping up all the leaves into a giant pile then jumping off the rope swing into the pile of majestic colors is a tradition that I doubt will never end in my family.
It’s these smells, feelings, and events that make autumn my favorite time of the year. I don’t mean to hate on the other seasons but winter is too cold, spring is too rainy, and summer is too hot. Autumn is just perfect. So through on your jeans and a comfy sweat shirt and just relax at a bonfire, or cheer on your football team. But whatever you do, don’t forget to pile up those beautiful leaves and take a huge jump into the plethora of colors.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cake Face

Cake Face
Waking up at 5am in order to be at school by eight? I don’t think so. The majority of high school girls these days care way too much about what they look like. They are spending hours at a time caking on makeup and making their hair perfect for the school day. Relax; wear a pair of sweat pants for once. Put your hair up, take off the mask.
It is a difficult process for me to understand why girls spend so much time on their appearance. Of course I think it’s important to look presentable, but is it really necessary to put on a mask of make up or curl your hair every single day of the week. First of all it’s not at all healthy for your skin and hair. Second you are spending an excessive amount of money on makeup and product. And third you look ridiculous!
A lot of girls do it to “impress” the boys, but honestly it probably scares them off. At first a guy may be intoxicated by the Barbie beauty, but it could all come crashing down. He could be very naive and fall for that cake face, but eventually he will see what’s under that mask and possibly be disappointed to find it was all just a cover up.
Ladies, why would you want a guy who would be disappointed when you shed off all of the makeup? You want a guy who will like you whether you are all dolled up or not.  And for the fellas, find a girl like the rapper Drake found in his song youda best, “Sweat pants, hair tie, chillin with no makeup on that’s when you’re the prettiest I hope you don’t take it wrong.”
There is such thing as natural beauty, so embrace it. We are all beautiful in our own way; we shouldn’t be covering up what we have inherited naturally.
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My body, not yours.

My body, not yours.
Too big, too small, too short, too tall; who is anyone to tell you that you are too anything to do something? “You are too short to play basketball,” or “You’re too tall to be a gymnast.” The person telling you these things doesn’t know your body and your abilities. Do they really know how much heart you have for that particular activity?
For me, I wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. The second after I asked my mom if I could try, her immediate response was, “You’re too little, you can’t.” Although I am a teenage girl and only 5’3” that is no reason I cannot ride a motorcycle. Yes, it would be challenging, but who isn’t up for a good challenge every once in a while? I know my own strength, and I know I can ride a motorcycle if I set my heart to it.
When people tell me I am too little, or too short to do something, it could possibly be the worst insult I could receive. There is nothing more disrespectful to me than telling me my size will hold me back from being successful at something. I know my body and I know what it can and cannot do. For this exact reason is why I don’t understand some doctors. I don’t comprehend why a doctor could tell me I have to sit out for a certain amount of time due to an injury.  They aren’t inside of my body; they don’t know how excruciating the pain is. How do they know how long I have to rest? Yes, I know it’s their job, but how do they have the right to sit me out. Shouldn’t that be my decision to know if I’m healthy enough to play?
Only you know your body, doctors may be able to diagnose you, but you know your limits. It’s important to understand these limits as well; you don’t want to overestimate your abilities. That’s when the term yolo (you only live once) comes in. We really do only live once so yes, you should live it to the fullest. But know your limits. You can do uncharacteristic things without looking incompetent and senseless. Too big, too small, too short, too tall; who is anyone to tell you you’re to anything to do something?
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