Sunday, September 16, 2012

Toddlers in Tiaras

Toddlers in Tiaras
Dressing up your child, in order for them to be judged on their appearance at a pageant, to me it just sounds wrong. This is what happens on the show Toddlers in tiaras. These mothers dress up their 2 to 7 year olds in 300 dollar dresses, fake nails, fake tans, and to me the worst to me it the fake teeth.
I don’t understand what the fetish is with looking like a legitimate Barbie at the age of 3. These kids are just getting in their mind that their natural beauty isn’t good enough. Although I totally disagree with this show, I am still addicted. There is something about it that gets you hooked. Maybe it’s just the fact that it’s so ridiculous you can’t just keep your eyes off of the TV.
I really don’t understand why the moms do this to their kids. Do they not think they look good enough the way they are normally? Why would you want your daughter to look so plastic? It’s just hard for me to comprehend, especially when you see the before and after pictures. Their before pictures they are adorable litter kids, But after they look like and adult in a little body. This is why my favorite toddler on the show is Honey Boo Boo. Her parents don’t apply the extreme plastic qualities like the other pageant parents.  They also don’t put as much pressure on Honey to win. She is in the pageants because she wants to be. For a lot of the other little girls, I feel like they are being forced into this plastic life.
Overall I do suggest watching the show “Toddlers in Tiaras.” Not because it’s a good show, but because you can really learn from it. You could learn what not to do for your kids. In my opinion you should not live your dreams through your kids, let them make their own decision and most importantly embrace your child’s inner beauty. 
(330 words)


  1. OMG,i lvoe this show, have you ever seen honey boo boo?(: she is crazyyyyy(:
