Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Take It All In

Take It All In

It’s important for a person, especially a young adult like me, to be able to take constructive criticism. I feel that there are too many people today who have troubles with this task. Not being able to take criticism as a young adult is just going to set you up for failure in your future work place.

As a human, we all make mistakes there is just no way to avoid it. Those simple mistakes make it that much more important that we need to know how to fix these mistakes as easily and quickly as possible. Thus the reason we need to be able to take constructive criticism. By avoiding other people’s thoughts or concerns, there is little to no chance of improvement.

I have learned to take in peoples opinions in two very important ways, one being with our school newspaper. With the newspaper we might not always write what you want to hear, but we try our best to be news worthy. For us the best way to find things that are news worthy is talking to people around the school. We get almost all of our story ideas from outside sources. Along with getting story ideas from others we also bounce things like layouts off of each other as well as other publications. With our newspaper, it’s very important to us to keep in mind others opinions, at times we may not use them, but they are still very important in keeping up with a publication.

Another place I have applied others’ thoughts is with soccer. It’s important for an athlete to take what coaches and other players have to say, sometimes they may sound like they are getting angry with you but you should know that in the long run they are just trying to help you. Again you don’t always have to take their opinions but it’s important to take them into consideration.

Ultimately everything is your decision in life, but take a minute to see what others think about it. It’s okay for others to tell you differently and you should definitely take in their opinions instead of pushing them away.

(360 words)

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